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Help Is On Its Way

There has been a ton effort put into solving problems that have gone global, especially when it comes to health. No nation wants their people to suffer from diseases that were brought in from another country. There are organizations that are currently trying to better lots of under developed nation's health system. We know that resources are limited in those nations still developing so it becomes paramount that we help those nations in need and not let them fall behind. Organizations like the Bill and Mellina Gates Foundation, World Health Organization, and the PQM Program are trying to improve a nation's medical technology and better their medicine. This not only helps everybody around the world but it vastly improves the health of their people and the success of their own nation. The World Organization (WHO) is trying to increase affordability of medicines. The PQM Program's objective is to increase the supply of quality assured mediciene. They have expanded their geographical reach of the program so they become more and more helpful as they grow, Not everybody will benefit but it's a start for a long lasting successful looking journey. 


Some types of diseases that under develpoed nations suffer from are:

  • Choleria

  • Malaria


  • Tuberculosis

  • Burkitt's Lymphoma

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